Legal and other knowledge

1. Registered office and legal form of Benefit Barcode Inc.

The company is a private corporation, incorporated in the United States of America (registered office: 8 The Green, #7099, Dover, Delaware 19901, company registration number: 6045923).

2. Number of shares in the company and number of owners

The 100% ownership stake of the company is represented by 1,000,000 (i.e., one million) shares. The current number of owners, their names, and the quantity of shares they own can be seen in the "Stock Book" section. (The founder has committed to the co-owners that the company will not issue additional shares that could dilute the ownership proportion of existing shareholders. For new entrants, the founder, at their own expense, transfers shares from their personal ownership.)

3. Keeping the stock book

In US private companies, the accurate and up-to-date maintenance of the stock book is the responsibility of management. Benefit Barcode Inc. holders can request certificates of their shares in digital form an unlimited number of times under the Shares menu of the Bercode Platform and then request their mailing (with original stamp and signatures) by paying the printing and logistical costs by credit card.

4. Transferability of shares

The transfer of one or more shares may be initiated by the owner of the shares (the user of the account, i.e., the holder of the email address). To start the process, the email address of the beneficiary is required. The recipient can accept or reject the share(s) unless - in the meantime - the shareholder withdraws the pending transfer. If the beneficiary is not yet a user of the platform, prior registration is required and will be indicated in the automatically sent email.

5. Communication of share transfers

The Bercode Platform automatically informs both parties when a transfer is initiated and when a transfer fails or is successfully completed. Past transactions can be viewed in the "Transfer of Shares" submenu.

6. Taxation of transfers of shares

Where a shareholder has transferred one or more shares in exchange for consideration (i.e., not as a gift to a relative), they must declare the income and pay the necessary taxes in accordance with the laws of their country.

7. Data displayed in the stock book

Under US law, only those owners of private companies who hold at least 20% of the company's ownership (shares) are required to disclose their identity. The Bercode platform allows holders to edit the data to be displayed in the share register, including links, in the Share register data menu. The company recommends that shareholders wishing to remain incognito shorten their surname to its initials (no specific restrictions apply, but the company reserves the right to change names that are misleading, offensive, prohibited, etc.)

8. Information to shareholders

At least quarterly, the company's management sends information to shareholders on the results achieved in the previous weeks and the current outlook. Users who have previously unchecked "System Messages" in the Notifications menu - or who do not receive messages from the platform for whatever technical reason - can view all previous messages from the platform by logging into their account (i.e., after logging in) and clicking on the bell icon (Notifications menu) at the top.

9. Future (stock market) value of the shares

The management of Benefit Barcode Inc. is making every effort to achieve the company value of over 300 USD million (i.e., a price of 300 USD per share) outlined in the Business Plan and Financial Plan as soon as possible, but no later than the end of 2025, and in a good case even exceed it - several times over. However, there is no guarantee that this will be the case, nor that the company's next annual general meeting will vote in favor of a dividend payment in full or in part in light of the results of the previous financial year. Similarly, it is not known in advance when the company will decide to convert itself into a publicly traded company and list it on a stock exchange, presumably in the US. (The chances of the latter are high, however, as companies with a value of several billion dollars and their former shareholders can benefit significantly from an IPO.)